5901 Satchel Ford Road, Columbia, SC (803) 738-7209
Brave Arts Events
Chair: TBD
Our fundraising efforts have sponsored artists-in-residence, purchased state-of-the-art technology for use in arts programs, and have supplemented district arts funding as funds have been reduced. No experience or artistic talent is necessary to join — just a value of arts education and willingness to volunteer. It’s never too late in the school year to become a Brave Arts Volunteer or Booster!
ArtFest is our annual celebration of the arts at Satchel Ford. This is a time when all students celebrate many different disciplines in the arts. Students participate in arts activities and observe performances from professional artists. This year's ArtFest is scheduled for November 20.
Every other year, Brave Arts holds an ornament-making fundraiser, where students make their own personalized ornaments. Please check back for updates.
Each year, as a special gift to our teachers, we provide a delicious, duty-free lunch on (or around) Valentine's Day. Students can donate toward teacher lunches, and parents are needed to volunteer to serve in the lunchroom. Check back for updates.
Our Sweetheart Dance is always a fun and popular event! This year's dance will be Friday, February 21. Please check back for updates.
Grade-Level Performances
In a typical school year, each grade level prepares a performance including elements learned in art, dance, drama, and music.