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Music Class

Chair: TBD

Support Arts Exploration at SFES!


Brave Arts Boosters is a group of staff, parents and community members who volunteer to support the fine arts programs — dance, drama, visual arts and music — and their integration into the curriculum of Satchel Ford Elementary School. We plan several fundraisers throughout the year, support PTO performances and organize booster donations.


Our fundraising efforts have sponsored artists-in-residence, purchased state-of-the-art technology for use in arts programs, and have supplemented district arts funding as funds have been cutback. No experience or artistic talent is necessary to join — just a value of arts education and willingness to volunteer. It’s never too late in the school year to become a Brave Arts Volunteer or Booster!


We believe that Satchel Ford is a place “where every kid can be a star!” Every student deserves a comprehensive arts education. Our incredible team of teachers and staff are eager to engage with creativity and excitement in our children’s lives. 


You can learn more about our fundraising efforts and events on our Brave Arts Events page and visit our Volunteers and Boosters page to learn more about how you can get involved.


Our 2019-20 recap and outlook for 2020-21 can be found here

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